Narrative Interactions
Intensive graduate seminar: Narrative Interactions: Stories, Identities and Voices
October 1-3, 2010, Estonia
Intensive graduate seminar: Narrative Interactions: Stories, Identities and Voices
October 1-3, 2010, Estonia

Seminar co-sponsored by the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA)
and Nordic Network of Narrative Studies (NNNS)
Introduction: people use stories as a tool for thinking, orienting themselves in the world and coping with the tremendous increase of information in modern culture. New situations and new forms of communication often involve new challenges and strains: in response, people tend to develop new narrative and behavioral strategies to adapt themselves to constraints the situation puts on them or to test new opportunities it offers. The present seminar seeks to explore these strategies, particularly management of subjectivity (identity, voice) in fictional storytelling, online communication and the stituation of illness.