Conference Teaching Narrative and Teaching Through Narrative

University of Tampere, May 26-28, 2011

The conference is organized to explore the broad interface of narrative theory, literary pedagogy, and the uses of narrative as a tool for teaching and distributing knowledge in diverse disciplinary fields. How to teach narratives and materials from Joyce’s “Evelyn” to “Baby Emily”? How to teach with theorists such as William Labov, James Phelan or Hannah Arendt? How to cope with the tension between research and teaching: to translate teaching into research and research into teaching? We invite papers on all text types carrying narrative relevance and amenable to pedagogical uses: from opera to obituary; television to testimony; Bildungsroman alongside with biblical narrative to blog. Participants are also invited to organize sessions on their favourite materials and their use in teaching and theorizing. 

Our plenary speakers will include specialists on literary pedagogy (Professor Leona Toker, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and on the pedagogical uses of narrative in the fields of social sciences, medicine, and humanities (Professor Rita Charon, Columbia University, Professor Jens Brockmeier, University of Manitoba and the Free University of Berlin). 

For further information about the schedule, travel options, and lodging, please go to our website 

Deadline for abstracts: February 15th, 2011. 200–300-word abstracts should be sent to
Please write “Teaching Narrative / Abstract / your name ” on the subject line. Participants will be contacted by February 28th, 2011.

 Pre-Conference Doctoral Course

University of Tampere, May 25, 2011

The organizers are also pleased to announce a pre-conference doctoral course on interdisciplinary analysis of narrative texts. The course will be directed by Professors Jens Brockmeier, Rita Charon, and Leona Toker. As above, Ph.D. students working on any text type with narrative relevance are eligible to participate.

Prospective participants are asked to send 2–3-page descriptions of their Ph.D. projects to
Please write “Teaching Narrative / Doctoral Course / your name” on the subject line. Deadline for descriptions is February 15th, 2011. Participants chosen to the course will be informed by February 28th, 2011.

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